A De-constructionist Approach for Student Athletes’ Perception of Positive Re-socialization 학생선수의 긍정적 재사회화 인식을 위한 해체주의적 접근
손용기SonYong-gi , 강유원KangYu-won , 강덕모KangDeuk-mo
57(3) 1-15, 2018
A De-constructionist Approach for Student Athletes’ Perception of Positive Re-socialization 학생선수의 긍정적 재사회화 인식을 위한 해체주의적 접근
손용기SonYong-gi , 강유원KangYu-won , 강덕모KangDeuk-mo
This study made a philosophical reillumination to elicit student athletes' perception of positive resocialization and approached it with a focus on Jacques Derrida's de-constructionism. Jacques Derrida deconstructed phono-centrism, the foundation of western metaphysics, and attempted to elicit the 'absence of center' through this. Therefore, this study attempted to apply Jacques Derrida's deconstructionism as follows: First, it deconstructed the voice of directors and coaches who suppressed the signifier of the student athlete and presented a new thinking structure of ‘student's choice through student's career path = student's freedom’. Second, it deconstructed the dichotomous thinking structure of the career path and retirement that the student athlete had and presented a new thinking structure of ‘student athlete / ∞’. Third, it broke away from a negative meaning of extant retirement through Jacques Derrida's neologism of ‘Differance’, created an authentic difference of retirement between individuals and presented that this ‘difference’ was not the perfect tense but the present progressive tense. Fourth, it presented the scheme for the student athlete to take off the extant negative center in resocialization of having been the athlete, honor as the athlete and society's negative vision and accept a new center.
Key Words
학생선수, 재사회화, 해체주의, 중심 부재, 이분법적 서열, 차연, Student athlete, Re-socialization, De-constructionism, Center absence, Dichotomous rank, Differance
The Change and Role of Sport in the Age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution 4차 산업혁명시대의 스포츠의 변화와 역할
57(3) 17-27, 2018
The Change and Role of Sport in the Age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution 4차 산업혁명시대의 스포츠의 변화와 역할
The topic of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, spearheaded by Klaus Schwab, President of the World Economic Forum in 2016, has made a big change in society as a whole. Sport as a social constituent is also in the midst of the change. In the existing passive sport, it can not keep the right value of sport by the 4th industrial revolution core technology and capitalism logic, and it can be change into a new form. The purpose of this study was to examine the concept of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and to see how core technologies changes sport. This study was conducted to discuss what sport role should be played to aim for the value of more correct and sustainable sport.
The key changes that lead the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution are: First, technological development, second, society, population, environmental change. The development of core technologies of the 4th Industrial Revolution will change the internal environment of sport such as sports participants, regulations and systems related to sports and sporting goods, and will change the external environments such as sports facilities, stadiums, sporting goods manufacturing, and sport events. In addition, social, population, and environmental changes will change such as the activation of silver sports due to population aging, quantitative decrease and qualitative growth of sport participation due to changes in perception of work and leisure and deepen individualism, and changes of sport industries due to climate change.
Therefore, rather than passively approaching these various sport changes, we suggested the role of the following sport in order to spread the correct value of existing sport and sustainable sport culture. First, we must ensure that the value of sustainable and correct sports is established. Second, the social welfare should be realized through the promotion of social capital from sport participation. Thirdly, the ethics of sport scene should be discourse. Fourth, acceptance of new media should be developed in the direction of sustainable sport. Fifth, sport science should be actively studied and change.
Why are They Crazy about Volleyball?: Meaning of Volleyball Club Activity in the University of Education 그들은 왜 배구에 미치는가?: 교육대학교 내 배구동아리활동의 의미
57(3) 29-40, 2018
Why are They Crazy about Volleyball?: Meaning of Volleyball Club Activity in the University of Education 그들은 왜 배구에 미치는가?: 교육대학교 내 배구동아리활동의 의미
The purpose of this study is to examine the meaning of volleyball club activities for the club members in B University of Education. For this purpose, 6 volleyball club members were selected as research participants and in-depth interviews were conducted. As a result, first, volleyball and volleyball clubs had different characteristics for participants from other sports and sports clubs. That is, influence is equally distributed across each position in volleyball compared to other sports and it is not impacted by gender or age. In addition, volleyball clubs have a tradition in elementary school teachers' society. Second, volleyball was played a role as a way out of their dull school life. In school life, volleyball was a selected activity and helped them let free of their dull school life. Third, volleyball club members were a mentor and a secondary family. The volleyball club members have been together for a long time, experiencing tough times and joy together with volleyball as a medium, and this process made the volleyball club members as close as family.
Key Words
배구, 배구동아리활동, 배구동아리활동의 의미, 교육대학교, Volleyball, Volleyball club activities, Meaning of volleyball club activities, University of education
Relationship among Sport Participation, Perceived Social Competence and Loneliness in Youth 청소년의 스포츠참가와 지각된 사회역량 및 고독감의 관계
57(3) 41-52, 2018
Relationship among Sport Participation, Perceived Social Competence and Loneliness in Youth 청소년의 스포츠참가와 지각된 사회역량 및 고독감의 관계
The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship among sport participation, perceived social competence and loneliness. Five middle schools in Chungbuk province were used for analysis using a convenience extraction method. For the purposes of the analysis, Kim (1997) translated into the Korean version of UCLA loneliness scale was developed by Russell et al.(1980) and youth competence scale was developed by Seong et al.(2016). The conclusions obtained are as follows. First, there were gender differences in sports participation level, subjective physical strength and health, and differences in loneliness scores in gender, school year, subjective physical strength and health. Second, the level of sports participation was found to have a direct and indirect effect on loneliness by mobilizing perceived social skills. In the future, efforts are deemed to be needed to solve psychological and emotional problems such as developing social skills and the loneliness of youth through the qualitative and quantitative expansion of sports participation.
Key Words
청소년, 스포츠참가, 지각된 사회역량, 고독감, Sport participation, Perceived social competence, Loneliness, Youth
The Effect of Self-control and Post-decision Intention on the Intention-Behavior Discrepancy in Theory of Planned Behavior 계획된 행동이론에서 자기통제와 사후결정의도가 의도행동 불일치에 미치는 영향
신명진ShinMyoung-jin , 김인우KimIn-woo , 안효연AhnHyo-yeon
57(3) 53-64, 2018
The Effect of Self-control and Post-decision Intention on the Intention-Behavior Discrepancy in Theory of Planned Behavior 계획된 행동이론에서 자기통제와 사후결정의도가 의도행동 불일치에 미치는 영향
신명진ShinMyoung-jin , 김인우KimIn-woo , 안효연AhnHyo-yeon
The purpose of present study was to examine the impact of self-control and post-decision intention on intention-behavior discrepancy existing in the theory of planned behavior. A total 231 college students were randomly divided into three groups on different types of intention to exercise (general intention, intention with the assumption of success, intention with the assumption of failure). They participated in the survey measuring the degree of exercise participation, the theory of planned behavior, and self-control. The impact of perceived behavioral control on exercise participation was strengthened with high self-control in participants belong to intention with the assumption of failure group. It means that exercise behavior was mostly explained by the perception of behavioral control, and the impact of total effect on the behavior was weak in low self-control group. Thus, it is identified that the intention-behavior discrepancy existed in low self-control and fail continuation intentions condition. The intention-behavior discrepancy existed in the cases of that people fail to reach their goals by participating in exercise or fail to regular exercise. However, there was no impact of self-control on the intention-behavior discrepancy in the cases of that people achieve their goals with regular exercise.
Key Words
계획된 행동모형, 자기통제, 사후결정의도, Theory of planned behavior, Self-control, Post continuation, Intention
The Mediating Effects of Cognitive Appraisal and Emotions on Relations between Positive Thinking and Sport Continuance and Withdrawal among Adolescent Athletes 청소년 운동선수들의 긍정적 사고와 운동지속 및 탈퇴의 관계에서 인지평가와 정서의 매개효과
송기현SongKi-hyun , 김승용KimSeung-yong
57(3) 65-77, 2018
The Mediating Effects of Cognitive Appraisal and Emotions on Relations between Positive Thinking and Sport Continuance and Withdrawal among Adolescent Athletes 청소년 운동선수들의 긍정적 사고와 운동지속 및 탈퇴의 관계에서 인지평가와 정서의 매개효과
송기현SongKi-hyun , 김승용KimSeung-yong
The purpose of this study was to investigate structural relations among the positive thinking, cognitive appraisal, emotions, sport continuance and withdrawal of adolescent athletes and analyze the mediating effects of cognitive appraisal and emotions on relations between their positive thinking and sport continuance and withdrawal. For these purposes, we collected total 306 valid samples by applying purposive sampling to male and female athletes in physical education and common middle and high schools around the nation. Collected data was used with the SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 programs to test the overall model for its fitness and hypotheses. The findings were as follows: First, the result showed the positive thinking and cognitive appraisal of adolescent athletes and found that their positive thinking had positive effects on the challenge factor of cognitive appraisal and negative ones on the threat factor. Second, the analysis results of positive thinking and emotions show that their positive thinking had positive and negative effects on their positive and negative emotions, respectively. Third, the result showed relations between their positive thinking and sport continuance and withdrawal and found that their positive thinking had no direct impacts on their sport continuance and withdrawal. Fourth, as for relations between their cognitive appraisal and sport continuance and withdrawal, challenge had no significant influences on their sport continuance and withdrawal, whereas threat had significant influences on them. Fifth, as for relations between their emotions and sport continuance and withdrawal, their positive emotions had no significant effects on their sport continuance and withdrawal, whereas their negative emotions had significant effects on them. Finally, the study analyzed the mediating effects of the threat factor of cognitive appraisal and negative emotions on relations between positive thinking and sport continuance and withdrawal and found that only negative emotions had significant mediating effects between them. In conclusion, coaches and parents of adolescent athletes keep in mind to make them have positive thinking instead of worrying about the negative results such as sport dropout, stress and burnout.
Key Words
청소년 운동선수, 긍정적 사고, 인지평가, 정서, 운동지속 및 탈퇴, Adolescent athletes, Positive thinking, Cognitive appraisal, Emotions, Sport continuance and withdrawal
The Strengths Knowledge and Strengths Use of Korean Elite Archers 우수 양궁선수의 강점 인식과 강점 활용
This study was to explore strengths knowledge and strengths use of elite archers. Research participants for survey were 233 archers of high-school, college, and professional levels. 5 archery Olympic medalists participated in in-depth interview. Collected data were analyzed through confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, independent t-test, and one-way ANOVA using SPSS 18.0 program. In-depth interview data were analyzed by inductive content analysis and the validity of results were examined by triangulation. The results were as follows: Firstly, there was not statistically significant difference in strengths knowledge and strengths use according to gender and level. Secondly, elite archers, who experienced in achieving medals at individual and team competitions, illustrated higher level of strengths knowledge and strengths use compared to non-elite archers. Thirdly, Olympic medalists perceived their strengths, such as positive competition management and positive psychological factors. Furthermore, Olympic medalists used their strengths in competitions. In conclusion, these results will provide fundamental information to develop sport psychology counseling program of strength approach for athletes, coaches, and sport psychologists.
Key Words
양궁, 강점 인식, 강점 활용, Archery, Strengths knowledge, Strengths use
A Study on the Relationships between Self-Regulatory focus and Counterfactual Thinking : Mediating Effects of Individualism-Collectivism 체조선수들의 자기조절 초점이 사후가정에 미치는 영향 : 개인주의-집단주의의 매개효과 검증
57(3) 91-102, 2018
A Study on the Relationships between Self-Regulatory focus and Counterfactual Thinking : Mediating Effects of Individualism-Collectivism 체조선수들의 자기조절 초점이 사후가정에 미치는 영향 : 개인주의-집단주의의 매개효과 검증
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-regulatory focus and counterfactual thinking and demonstrate the mediating effects of individualism-collectivism. A total of 156 gymnastic athletes were recruited for data collection. Frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, hierarchical regression analysis for mediating effect verification were used with SPSS. The results were as follows: Athletes’ non-referent counterfactual thinking and other-referent counterfactual were influenced by promotion focus whereas every sub factor of counterfactual thinking influenced by prevention focus. Vertical-individualism influenced by prevention focus, whereas all the subfactors of individualism-collectivism were influenced by promotion focus. There was no mediating role of individualism-collectivism in self-regulatory focus and counterfactual thinking.
Policies for Improving Swimming Education in Elementary School 초등학교 수영교육 개선을 위한 정책 방안
57(3) 103-116, 2018
Policies for Improving Swimming Education in Elementary School 초등학교 수영교육 개선을 위한 정책 방안
This study aimed to suggest the methods to improve operations of swimming education by identifying awareness and demand of swimming education for elementary school teachers. For the purpose of the study, the researcher analyzed teachers’ responses about the survey questionnaires from 17 municipal and provincial education offices nationwide. The majority of the respondents agreed that the biggest difficulty is the lack of elementary school teachers’expertise in swimming instruction. On the other hand, there are minor issues concerning the burden of safety accidents and lack of guidance manuals for swimming instruction. Furthermore, it was discovered that as the most important part of elementary school swimming education operation, the support of swimming education costs needs to be continued, followed by securing a swimming pool in schools. The most vital support turned out to be the installation of a swimming pool. Next, the swimming education programs needs to be developed, followed by the budget support for swimming education, and the implementation of swimming education for the entire level in elementary school. Meanwhile, the requests for swimming instructor certification or teacher training course were low. From the findings of the study, we drew some methods for improvement of elementary swimming education: 1) Korean government should develop and provide a model for using Korean style swimming pools, and encourages the active use of alternative pools such as prefabricated pools; 2) the cost of swimming education must continue to be supported within the compulsory education system and the administrative level of service such as swimming pool recruitment should be improved; 3) the efforts should be strengthened to increase the distribution and utilization of standardized swimming education programs.
Key Words
초등학교 수영교육, 교사 인식, Elementary swimming education, Teacher’s perception
An Integral Approach in Liberal Arts Curriculum of Higher Education - A Case Study on Physical Education Based on the Somatics 대학교양 교육과정 개발의 융합적 접근 - 소매틱스(Somatics)에 기반한 체육교양강좌 사례연구
임수진SujinLim , 김수연SooyeonKim
57(3) 117-133, 2018
An Integral Approach in Liberal Arts Curriculum of Higher Education - A Case Study on Physical Education Based on the Somatics 대학교양 교육과정 개발의 융합적 접근 - 소매틱스(Somatics)에 기반한 체육교양강좌 사례연구
임수진SujinLim , 김수연SooyeonKim
The purpose of this study was to explore integrated approaches to physical education in general education by examining methodology of physical education aiming for convergence education. This case study was conducted, using a qualitative approach during March, 2017 to November, 2017. Data were collected through non-participant observation, in-depth interviews, field-notes, students’ journal, syllabus and lecture materials. The key findings are as follows: First, “Emotion Coaching through Movement” is a course of ‘understanding of body’ approaching integrated humanities science and natural science. Second, it is a convergence education, conducting ‘text to daily practice’ by approaching positive psychology and neurophysiology. Third, it is a physical education with ‘integrated theory and practice’ in higher education. These results indicate that students can understand their own body, observe their daily and fixed movement or reaction pattern, and enhance the ability of understanding others through a physical education in general education.
Key Words
융합교육, 체육교양강좌, 몸 이해, 사고의 전환, 행동의 전환, 소매틱스 교육, Convergence education, Physical education in general education, Understanding of body, Change in thinking, Change in behavior, Somatics education
Exploring the Positive and Negative Psychological Function of Teacher-Centered Lectures and Student-Centered Team Project Activities Perceived by Students of Physical Education 체육학 전공생이 교수자 중심의 강의식 수업과 학습자 중심의 팀 프로젝트 수업에 대해 지각하는 긍정적·부정적 심리기능 탐색
노미영RohMiyoung , 문화실MoonHwasil
57(3) 135-146, 2018
Exploring the Positive and Negative Psychological Function of Teacher-Centered Lectures and Student-Centered Team Project Activities Perceived by Students of Physical Education 체육학 전공생이 교수자 중심의 강의식 수업과 학습자 중심의 팀 프로젝트 수업에 대해 지각하는 긍정적·부정적 심리기능 탐색
노미영RohMiyoung , 문화실MoonHwasil
In this study, after applying both team projects and teacher-centered lectures for physical education majors, we explored perceived positive & negative function of team project and teacher-centered learning of learners. For this study, data were collected through participation observation, open questionnaires from 189 students, and in-depth interviews from 4 students, and qualitative analysis was conducted to examine the positive and negative perceptions of each type of learning. Results are as follows: 1) Perceived positive function of teacher-centered education by learners were: systematic education, efficiency of acquiring expertise, teaching style, and psychological stability. 2) Perceived negative function of teacher-centered education by learners were: difficulty of sharing opinions actively, low psychological driving force for learning, dissatisfaction of class contents, and lack of interaction between professors and learners). 3) Perceived positive function of team project activities by learners were: psychological driving force, acquirement of extensive knowledge, improvement of learning ability, improvement of teaching ability, enhancement of teamwork, and autonomous atmosphere & thought. Lastly 4) Perceived negative function of team project activities by learners were: unequal role division, disharmony with teammates, work overload, shortage of professional capacity, poor learning in other group presentations, complaints about evaluation and low confidence in presentation. The result of this study is used as an important basic data for the instructors to plan their lectures and lead classes.
Key Words
교수자 중심 강의식 수업, 팀 프로젝트 수업, 학습유형, 학습자의 인식, Teacher-centered learning, Team project learning, Teaching style, Learner’s evaluation
The Relationship among Instructor's Perceived Autonomy Suppor, Self-Management and Exercise Adherence in Korea Naval Academy Cadets 해군사관생도가 지각한 체육교수자의 자율성지지와 자기관리 및 운동지속의사의 관계
The Relationship among Instructor's Perceived Autonomy Suppor, Self-Management and Exercise Adherence in Korea Naval Academy Cadets 해군사관생도가 지각한 체육교수자의 자율성지지와 자기관리 및 운동지속의사의 관계
The purpose of this study was to identify the mediating effect of self-management in relationship between instructor's perceived autonomy support and exercise adherence in korea naval academy cadets. In order to achieve this purpose, 288 korea naval academy cadets were selected by the convenience sampling method. Frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlations analysis and structural equation model analysis were executed using IBM SPSS Statistics v21 and IBM SPSS Amos v21. As the results, the following conclusion was derived. First, it was discovered that the instructor’s perceived autonomy support had static influence to the self-management. Second, it showed that the instructor’s perceived autonomy support didn`t gave static influence to the exercise adherence. Third, it showed that the self-management affect to the exercise adherence. Finally, the self-management showed mediated effect partially between the instructor’s perceived autonomy support and the exercise adherence. Based on the above results, this study discusses the role of the instructor to improve the self-management and exercise adherence of the cadets.
To Overcome Moral Ontology with Sports-The First Phase in which Sports Help to Develop Personality- 스포츠와 함께 도덕적 존재론을 뛰어넘기-스포츠가 인성교육에 기여하는 첫 번째 국면-
57(3) 161-175, 2018
To Overcome Moral Ontology with Sports-The First Phase in which Sports Help to Develop Personality- 스포츠와 함께 도덕적 존재론을 뛰어넘기-스포츠가 인성교육에 기여하는 첫 번째 국면-
The purpose of this study is to analyze the theoretical resources needed to find the point where physical education contributes to personality education. Recently, school physical education has been more active than ever in the social expectations and support that it can play an important role in the personality development of students. In addition to the empirical studies on the relationship between physical education and personality development, there is a strong demand for theoretical and philosophical studies. This study emphasizes the need to precede criticism of moral ontology in order to find a priority point where physical education can contribute to personality development and how play can relate to the nature of human existence to be newly understood after the criticism. Specifically, we will examine the phases of interest and fun in Dewey's education in children's development and how they relate to moral development. In order to understand the meaning of Dewey's claim of moral development and reject the moral ontology of human practice through Nietzsche in order to understand its meaning ontologically, it is possible to respect human nature and express its natural expression and that it is a valuable basis for ethical subject production. The following is a description of the contribution of sport to the first stage of human ethical inclusion by examining the relationship between sport as physical nature and impulses, instincts, emotions, and how to utilize them as resources for play.
Key Words
충동, 도덕적 존재론, 윤리적 주체화, 놀이, 스포츠, Drive, Moral ontology, Ethical subjectivity, Play, Sport
A Case Study on the Change Process of Survival Swimming Lessons of the Three Middle School Physical Education Teacher 세 중학교 체육교사의 생존수영 수업 변용 과정에 관한 사례연구
57(3) 177-191, 2018
A Case Study on the Change Process of Survival Swimming Lessons of the Three Middle School Physical Education Teacher 세 중학교 체육교사의 생존수영 수업 변용 과정에 관한 사례연구
The purpose of this study is to deeply describe the change process of the survival swimming lessons by three physical education teachers of a middle school and to interpret the educational implications of this class. The case study is a survival swimming lesson using a prefabricated swimming pool and a protective tent at the ‘C’ Middle School in ‘S’ city, which was held for one month in August 2017. The data were gathered centering on two group interviews, two unstructured personal formal interviews and the related documentation. For the data analysis, the analysis on internal cases focusing on the realistic records of survival swimming lessons was combined with the analysis between cases to reveal the core theme through inductive analysis. In detail, the three physical education teachers reconstructed alternative swimming pool facilities such as the reuse of prefabricated pool facilities and the introduction of prefabricated protective tents. They also reconstructed survival swimming education programs such as intensive classes through the connection with free-semester school system and the increased number of survival swimming classes. In addition, they reconstructed the method of survival swimming teaching such as strengthened survival swimming-centered classes and team-teaching with the teachers with certificate. They also made efforts to reconstruct open learner management, such as wearing a free swimming suit and producing a survival swimming certified cart. Besides, sought to expand the number of cooperating schools. In addition, they sought to expand the number of cooperating schools and reconstruct cooperative relationships such as operating a poolside party event.
Key Words
조립식 수영장, 생존수영, 중학교 체육교사, 진화, 일상화, 대중화, Prefabricated swimming pool, Survival swimming, Middle school P. E. teachers, Evolution, common, Popular
Predicting Acceptance Intention of Sports Wearable Device Based on Technology Readiness 2.0 and Acceptance Model 기술준비도 2.0과 기술수용모델을 적용한 스포츠 웨어러블기기 수용의도 예측
57(3) 193-204, 2018
Predicting Acceptance Intention of Sports Wearable Device Based on Technology Readiness 2.0 and Acceptance Model 기술준비도 2.0과 기술수용모델을 적용한 스포츠 웨어러블기기 수용의도 예측
The purpose of this study was to predict acceptance intention of sports wearable device using the technology readiness 2.0 and technology acceptance model. Data were drawn from 317 consumers who had experience purchasing sports goods. Data were analyzed through frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and structural equation modeling using SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 20.0 program. The results were as follows. First, optimism and innovativeness had a positive influence on perceived ease of use and discomfort had a negative effect on perceived ease of use but insecurity did not have a significant effect on perceived ease of use. Second, optimism had a positive influence on perceived usefulness but innovativeness, discomfort, and insecurity did not have a significant effect on perceived usefulness. Third, perceived ease of use had a positive influence on perceived usefulness. Fourth, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness had a positive effect on acceptance intention.
Discourse Analysis on Portal Web Site’s News Articles Regarding Professional Baseball Club CSR Activities: Based on Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis 포털 뉴스기사의 프로야구단 CSR 활동 담론 분석 - 페어클러프(Fairclough)의 비판적 담론분석을 바탕으로-
김기백KimKi-baek , 한진욱HanJin-wook , 김태형KimTai-hyung
57(3) 205-220, 2018
Discourse Analysis on Portal Web Site’s News Articles Regarding Professional Baseball Club CSR Activities: Based on Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis 포털 뉴스기사의 프로야구단 CSR 활동 담론 분석 - 페어클러프(Fairclough)의 비판적 담론분석을 바탕으로-
김기백KimKi-baek , 한진욱HanJin-wook , 김태형KimTai-hyung
The purpose of this study was to examine how portal web site’s news articles affect professional baseball clubs’ original object of CSR activities such as enhancing clubs’ evaluation and image by analyzing portal web site’s news articles regarding professional baseball clubs’ CSR activities with Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, articles regarding professional baseball clubs’ CSR activities between 2013 and 2016 were collected and analyzed using Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis. The results of the study were as follows. Firstly, professional baseball clubs’ CSR activities discourse repeatedly used expressions such as ‘dream’, ‘enlargement of baseball base in local community’, and‘consecutive’. Secondly, articles related with professional baseball clubs’ CSR activities created discourse describing baseball club as community’s partner and organization that expresses elitism. Finally, professional baseball clubs’ CSR activities were affected by 2014 Little League World Series and 2015 illegal gambling scandal by professional baseball club, Samsung Lions. In addition, discussions based on the results of the study and future research opportunities were proposed.
Key Words
포털뉴스, 프로야구단 CSR, 페어클러프, Fairclough, 비판적 담론분석, Portal news, Professional baseball clubs’ CSR activities, Critical discourse analysis
A study on the Factors Influencing Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior of Intercollegiate Athletes 대학스포츠선수들의 비윤리적 친조직 행동 영향요인에 관한 연구
57(3) 221-233, 2018
A study on the Factors Influencing Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior of Intercollegiate Athletes 대학스포츠선수들의 비윤리적 친조직 행동 영향요인에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to investigate the determinants of unethical pro-organizational behavior of intercollegiate athletes. Especially, this study examined the differences of unethical pro-organizational behavior by background factors, and effects of ethical leadership and ethical sensitivity on unethical pro-organizational behavior. Total 500 questionnaires were distributed to intercollegiate athletes and 445 data were finally analyzed. For the analysis, frequency analysis, independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, reliability analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis were performed by SPSS 23.0. The results were as follows: First, differences of unethical pro-organizational behavior by background factors were significant in gender and types of sports, but there were no significant differences by school year and athletes career. Second, ethical leadership of coach had no significant effect on pro-organizational behavior of intercollegiate athletes. Third, ethical sensitivity had a negative effect on pro-organizational behavior of intercollegiate athletes.
A Study on Indirect Effect of Professional Baseball Title Sponsorship Perceived by Employees Using the Sequential Analysis of Sports Marketing Capabilities, Differentiation Advantages, and Corporate Performance 스포츠마케팅 역량, 차별화우위, 기업성과의 순차분석을 통한 기업종사원이 지각하는 프로야구 타이틀 스폰서십의 간접효과
A Study on Indirect Effect of Professional Baseball Title Sponsorship Perceived by Employees Using the Sequential Analysis of Sports Marketing Capabilities, Differentiation Advantages, and Corporate Performance 스포츠마케팅 역량, 차별화우위, 기업성과의 순차분석을 통한 기업종사원이 지각하는 프로야구 타이틀 스폰서십의 간접효과
The purpose of this study was to analyze the indirect effect of professional baseball title sponsorship. For this, this study made a sequential analysis on the relationship among corporate internal sports marketing capabilities, differentiation advantages, and corporate performance that were perceived by employees and examined how sports sponsorship that was conducted to obtain corporate external effect indirectly influenced the inside of the corporation. The respondent of the study was Tire Bank which became a professional baseball title sponsor for three years from 2015 to 2017. Two metropolitan cities and seven small cities were selected as survey areas. A questionnaire survey was conducted using system stratified cluster random sampling and self-administration method. Researchers visited 45 branches that are 12% of the total branch and obtained 106 effect samples. Structure equation modeling was used for statistical processing. The conclusions were as follows. First, there was a statistically significant casual relationship between professional sports marketing capability and market position advantage and between professional sports marketing capability and technological advantage. Second, there was a statistically significant casual relationship between market position advantage and growth, profits and between technological advantage and growth and customer satisfaction.
Key Words
스포츠마케팅 역량, 차별화우위, 기업성과, 타이틀 스폰서십, Sports marketing capabilities, Differentiation advantages, Corporate performance, Title sponsorship
The Relationship among Quality of Working Life, Dual Commitment and Turnover Intentions of Sports Center Employee 스포츠센터 종사자의 근로생활의 질과 이중몰입 및 이직의도의 관계
이제승LeeJeSeung , 박상윤ParkSangYoon
57(3) 251-262, 2018
The Relationship among Quality of Working Life, Dual Commitment and Turnover Intentions of Sports Center Employee 스포츠센터 종사자의 근로생활의 질과 이중몰입 및 이직의도의 관계
이제승LeeJeSeung , 박상윤ParkSangYoon
The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between quality of working life, dual commitment and turnover intentions in sports center employee. The subjects were staff at sports centers in Seoul. Total 300 questionnaires were distributed and 280 samples were used for practical analysis. Statistical processing method were frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis were done by SPSS 21.0. The conclusion was as follows; First, it was found that the quality of working life of sports center employee has significant influence as partial on double commitment. Specifically, it has been found that the personal dimension has a positive impact on career commitment, and organizational and managerial dimensions have a positive impact on organizational commitment. Second, the quality of working life of sports center employee has significant influence as partial on turnover intention. Specifically, the personal dimension has a negative effect on turnover intention. Third, dual commitment of sports center employee had significant influence on turnover intention. Specifically, career commitment and organizational commitment have a negative effect on turnover intentions.
Key Words
스포츠센터 종사자, 근로생활의 질, 이중몰입, 이직의도, Sports center employee, Quality of working life, Dual commitment, Turnover intention
An Exploring on Policy Factor for Revitalization of Sports Welfare 스포츠복지 활성화를 위한 정책요인 탐색
김민규KimMin-kyu , 송정란SongJung-ran
57(3) 263-279, 2018
An Exploring on Policy Factor for Revitalization of Sports Welfare 스포츠복지 활성화를 위한 정책요인 탐색
김민규KimMin-kyu , 송정란SongJung-ran
The purpose of this study was to determine policy factors for suggesting the direction of policies for revitalization of sports welfare. For this, the delphi method was used and the conclusion of this study is as follows: (1) the factors of policy, infrastructure and R&D must be considered as the upper domain of revitalization of sports welfare, (2) the factors of amendment of relevant laws, policy development, awareness improvement, service delivery system and budget must be considered as the middle domain of policy factors, (3) the factors of hardware infrastructure, human-ware infrastructure and contents-ware infrastructure must be considered as middle domain of infrastructure factors, and (4) the factors of expert training and operation system, base data survey, and planned R&D as middle domain of R&D factor. The results of this study will be hepl to the organic combination of policy making process and academic disciplines.
A Study on the Structure and Meaning of Swimming Participation by Middle Eastern Women in their 50s 50대 중년 여성의 수영 참여 구조와 의미
오정희OhJung-heui , 조광민ChoKwang-min , 정유미ChungYu-mi
57(3) 281-291, 2018
A Study on the Structure and Meaning of Swimming Participation by Middle Eastern Women in their 50s 50대 중년 여성의 수영 참여 구조와 의미
오정희OhJung-heui , 조광민ChoKwang-min , 정유미ChungYu-mi
The purpose of this study is to investigate the structure and meaning of swimming participation in middle aged women in their 50s. The study method was used as a phenomenological method. The subjects of the study were 50 middle-aged female members of the indoor pool classes located in A District, Seoul. From September 2017 to January 2018, participants were observed on both weekdays and weekends except holidays. In addition, based on the contents collected through group and individual in - depth interviews, we systematically organized and analyzed the systematically and analyzed the meaning (subject) structure derived from the theme analysis. The existing structure of the four experiences(time, Space, relationship, body). The results of the analysis are as follows. First, interest, aspiration, needs and commitment factors were derived for the experience of special subjective time from past to present. Second, the meaning of the spatial experience in various spaces appeared as a special space for the water, and the temperature control room and the shower room appeared as space for the exchange. Third, the relationship between the lecturer and the member appeared to be trust and intimacy, and the relationship between the member and the member showed an experiential relationship in which social communication was maintained. Fourth, in the physical experience, it was derived about the whole body exercise effect and life energy. As a suggestion for the follow-up research, first, we examine differences in the age groups or demographic factors that correspond to the middle age. Second, follow-up research is required for middle-aged women with long-term swimming experience. Third, various understanding studies should be carried out on other sports with high participation rate other than swimming.
Key Words
중년 여성, 수영, 생활체육, 수영 참여, 수영장, Middle-aged woman, Swimming, Life sports, Swimming participation, Swimming pool
A Meta-analysis of the Effects of the Elderly Dance Program on Depression 노인의 무용 프로그램 참여가 우울에 미치는 영향에 대한 메타분석
이윤구LeeYoongu , 오윤선OhYoun-sun , 권재윤KwonJaeyoon
57(3) 293-305, 2018
A Meta-analysis of the Effects of the Elderly Dance Program on Depression 노인의 무용 프로그램 참여가 우울에 미치는 영향에 대한 메타분석
이윤구LeeYoongu , 오윤선OhYoun-sun , 권재윤KwonJaeyoon
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of dance program for the elderly on depression. Also, the control variable was used to increase the explanatory power of the relationship between dance and depression. For this purpose, eight theses and eighteen journals were selected for the meta-analysis. The results are as follows. First, the elderly's participation in the dance program was very effective in relieving depression. Second, the most effective dance program for the elderly should be conducted over 13 weeks, less than 20 times, and less than 50 minutes. Third, as the age and the year of publication increased, the effect of participation in the dance program increased. In conclusion, the older the elderly, the better the effect of depression mitigation, so the program should be promoted through the activation of professional manpower.
Effects of Changes in Frequency of Low Intensity Aerobic and Resistance Exercise on Inflammation Factors in Sarcopenic Obesity Elderly Women 저강도 유산소운동과 저항운동의 빈도에 따른 근감소증 비만 여성노인의 염증인자에 대한 변화
천성욱Sung-wookChun , 신상근Sang-keunShin
57(3) 307-319, 2018
Effects of Changes in Frequency of Low Intensity Aerobic and Resistance Exercise on Inflammation Factors in Sarcopenic Obesity Elderly Women 저강도 유산소운동과 저항운동의 빈도에 따른 근감소증 비만 여성노인의 염증인자에 대한 변화
천성욱Sung-wookChun , 신상근Sang-keunShin
The purpose of this study was to compare and analyze the changes in frequency of low intensity aerobic and resistance exercise on inflammation factors in obese sarcopenic elderly women. A total of 74 elderly female participants who live in Jin-gu, Busan metropolitan city were recruited for the study. The participants were randomly assigned into 5 groups; low intensity aerobic exercise 3 times per week group (A3-G, n=14, 74.7±4.1 yrs), low intensity aerobic exercise 5 times per week group (A5-G, n=12, 72.7±4.6 yrs), low intensity resistance exercise 3 times per week group (R3-G, n=17, 74.2±4.4 yrs), low intensity resistance exercise 5 times per week group(R5-G, n=13, 73.8±5.2 yrs) and a control group (CG, n=18, 72.4±4.3 years). For the statistical analysis, such as One-Way ANOVA, t-test, and Two-Way Repeated measures ANOVA was calculated using SPSS Version 22.0. One-way ANOVA was applied to confirm the homogeneity between 5 groups’ demographics and dependent variables. To verify mean differences between the 5 groups, two-way repeated measures ANOVA was used. If there was an interaction, the changes within 5 groups was analyzed using one-way ANOVA and paired t-test was used to compare between the before and after condition. There were significant interactions for CRP (p<.001), IL-6 (p<.001), TNF-α (p<.05), RBP4 (p<.05) and Adiponectin (p<.01). Among the inflammatory factors CRP showed significant differences in A3-G (p<.01), A5-G (p<.001), R5-G (p<.001). Similarly, IL-6 showed significant differences in A3-G (p<.05) and R5-G (p<.001). For TNF-α there were significant differences in A5-G (p<.01), R5-G (p<.05). For Adiponectin there were significant differences in A3-G (p<.001), A5-G (p<.05), R3-G (p<.01), R5-G (p<.01). To summarize the results of the study, three times a week with low-intensity aerobic exercise and resistance exercise group were more positive on inflammatory factors. But generally, five times a week with low-intensity aerobic exercise and resistance exercise group were more positive on inflammatory. We recommend that to reduce the incidence and pain associated with chronic diseases such as insulin resistance, high blood pressure, and diabetes exercising 5 times per week is effective in reducing inflammatory factors CRP, IL-6, and TNF-α increasing adiponectin.
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and Exercise: Structural, Functional, and Biochemical Effects of Exercise Modality in the Skeletal Muscles 듀시엔형 근이영양증과 운동: 운동 유형에 따른 골격근의 구조적, 기능적, 생화학적 효과
이윤선LeeYun-sun , 김종희KimJong-hee
57(3) 321-333, 2018
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and Exercise: Structural, Functional, and Biochemical Effects of Exercise Modality in the Skeletal Muscles 듀시엔형 근이영양증과 운동: 운동 유형에 따른 골격근의 구조적, 기능적, 생화학적 효과
이윤선LeeYun-sun , 김종희KimJong-hee
Duchenne muscular dystrophy(DMD), the most severe form of muscular dystrophy, is a typical hereditary neuromuscular disease that causes severe atrophy, degeneration and regenerative disorder of skeletal muscles. Exercise has been suggested as an effective way to mitigate and delay the pathological symptoms of DMD. However, the rationale behind DMD treatment is lack and the results of the study are inconsistent. Therefore, we investigated the effect of exercise modality on the structure, function, and biochemistry of DMD muscles. We examined 43 articles that could compare the effects of exercise on mdx(C57BL/10ScSn-Dmdmdx/J), an animal model of DMD. From 1993 to 2017, 13 studies of treadmill exercises, 11 studies of voluntary wheel running, 13 studies of downhill running, and six swimming exercise studies were used. The voluntary wheel running showed the most affirmative effects and the results from seven out of nine studies conducted in the type of chronic exercise were positive. This study provides evidence that spontaneous low-intensity exercise would be beneficial for delaying and alleviating muscular dystrophy.
Effect of Longevity Exercise Program on Nitric Oxide and Endothelin-1 Concentration in the Elderly with Hypertension 고혈압노인의 장수운동프로그램이 산화질소 및 엔도텔린-1 농도에 미치는 영향
Effect of Longevity Exercise Program on Nitric Oxide and Endothelin-1 Concentration in the Elderly with Hypertension 고혈압노인의 장수운동프로그램이 산화질소 및 엔도텔린-1 농도에 미치는 영향
This study analyzed the effect of longevity exercise program using combined exercise on nitric oxide (NO) and Endothelin-1 (ET-1) concentration in the hypertensive elderly. The study subjects were divided into the exercise group and the control group for the elderly who had the first stage of hypertension (systolic blood pressure 140-159 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure 90-99 mmHg). Exercise group subjects were exercised three times a week for a total of 16 weeks. As a result, nitric oxide concentration increased significantly(p <.05) after exercise and ET-1 concentration decreased significantly (p<.05) after exercise. These results suggest that the effect of ET-1 on the neuroendocrine system and the complex physiological mechanisms that simultaneously effect blood vessel relaxation and blood pressure control, The balance between ET-1 and NO is thought to dynamically regulate vascular tone. Therefore, the longevity exercise intervention is an important regulator to prevent the decrease of NO and increase of ET-1 in the hypertensive elderly. Especially, the FITT of the longevity exercise program was appropriated for the hypertensive elderly.
Effects of Muscle Activation Pattern and Stability of the Lower Extremity’s Joint on Falls in the Elderly Walking -Retrospective Approach- 노인 보행 시 하지 근 활동 양상과 관절의 안정성이 낙상에 미치는 영향-후향성 연구-
57(3) 345-356, 2018
Effects of Muscle Activation Pattern and Stability of the Lower Extremity’s Joint on Falls in the Elderly Walking -Retrospective Approach- 노인 보행 시 하지 근 활동 양상과 관절의 안정성이 낙상에 미치는 영향-후향성 연구-
Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the local stability of the lower extremity joints and muscle activation patterns of the lower extremity during walking between falling and non-falling group in the elderly women .
Method: Forty women, heel strikers, were recruited for this study. Twenty subjects (age:72.55±5.42yrs; height:154.40±4.26cm; mass:57.40±6.21kg; preference walking speed:0.52±0.17m/s; fall frequency=1.70±1.26 times) had a history falls(fall group) within two years and Twenty subjects (71.90±2..90yrs; height:155.28±4.73cm; mass:56.70±5.241kg; preference walking speed: 0.56±0.13m/s) had no history falls(non-fall group). While they were walking on a instrumented treadmill at their preference speed for a long while, kinematic and EMG signals were obtained using 3-D motion capture and wireless EMG electrodes, respectively. Local stability of the ankle and knee joint were calculated using Lyapunov Exponent (LyE) and muscles activation and their co-contraction index were also quantified. Hypotheses were tested using one-way ANOVA and Mann-Whitey. Spearman rank was also used to determine the correlation coefficients between variables. Level of significance was set at p<.05.
Results: Local stability in the knee joint adduction-abduction was significantly greater in fall group than non-fall group(p<.05). Activation of anterior tibials that acts on the foot segment dorsal flexion was greater in non-fall group than fall group(p<.05). CI between gastrocnemius and anterior tibials was found to be significantly different between two groups(p<.05). In addition, there was significant correlation between CI of the leg and LyE of the ankle joint flexion-extention in the fall group(p<.05).
Conclusion: In conclusion, muscles that act on the knee joint abduction-adduction as well as gastrocnemius and anterior tibials that act on the ankle joint flexion-extention need to be strengthened to prevent from potential fall during walking.
Key Words
낙상, 근활성도, 비선형기법, 국부 안정성, 동시수축지수, 노인 여성 보행, Fall, Muscle activation, Lyapunov Exponent, LyE, Local stability, Co-contraction index, CI, Elderly women walking
Exploring the Expertise and the Process of Expertise Development of the Disability Sports Instructors 장애인스포츠지도사의 전문성 및 전문성 개발 과정 탐색
강유석KangYooseok , 송금열SongKeumyeol
57(3) 357-373, 2018
Exploring the Expertise and the Process of Expertise Development of the Disability Sports Instructors 장애인스포츠지도사의 전문성 및 전문성 개발 과정 탐색
강유석KangYooseok , 송금열SongKeumyeol
This study aims at examining the coach expertise and the process of expertise development of the disability sports instructors. In order to collect data, 232 instructors for the disabled who working at local Sports Association for the Disabled were recruited for the open survey and 9 instructors selected from the open survey participated in the in-depth interview. Content analysis and open coding and axial coding of the grounded theory were applied for the data analysis. Results of the analysis are as fellow: First, the expertism of the instructor were categorized as 'disability awareness', 'program operation', 'practice ability', and 'assessment and consultation' in order. Second, the process of professional development were divided formal and informal activity according to implementation body, and were categorized as 'continuing education and job training program', 'peer exchange', and 'self-development activity' in order. Third, according to the paradigm model, instructors pursued professional competency and job security due to the social requirements for the expertism and spontaneous desires. In this process, they were affected by the identity crisis, the environmental restriction, and the job insecurity and changed core phenomenon appling the strategies such as 'adaptive enhancement', 'interaction learning', and 'reflective experience'. In the end, instructors were conducted in three types of outcomes such as 'growing as an professional', 'changing job', and 'settle for the present'.
Key Words
장애인스포츠지도사, 전문성, 전문성 개발 과정, Disability sports instructor, Expertise, Process of expertise development
Development and Validation of Physical Education Teaching Anxiety Scale for Preservice Special Teacher 예비특수교사의 체육교수불안 척도 개발 및 타당화
57(3) 375-389, 2018
Development and Validation of Physical Education Teaching Anxiety Scale for Preservice Special Teacher 예비특수교사의 체육교수불안 척도 개발 및 타당화
This study aims to development and validation a tool to measure physical education teaching anxiety(PETA) among preservice special teacher. In order to achieve this study purpose, first, the preliminary items for measurement scale were collected through open-ended questions and were developed by inductive content analysis from the 100 preservice special teacher. Second, investigation for construct validity was conducted on exploratory factor analysis from the 100 preservice special teacher. Third, in the final process, verify exernal validity was conducted by confirmatory factor analysis and t-test from the 300 presevice special teacher. As a result, the measurement scale of physical education teaching anxiety(PETA) among preservice special teacher consists of 4 main factors with 14 items: pedagogical content knowledge(n=4), understanding students(n=4), class environment(n=3), class management(n=3) factors and this scale has enough suitability.